Remodeling your kitchen or bathroom can be stressful for you and even more stressful for your beloved pets. Pets get used to a routine, and loud noises or strangers in the home can upset that, which may lead to your pets displaying unusual or aggressive tendencies. Make your home remodeling project run as smooth as possible with these helpful tips to keep your pets safe and happy.


1. Microchip and Identification

First and foremost, it is important to ensure that your pet has a way to be identified in case they flee your home during a remodel. A great way to do this is to fit your pet with a microchip—a permanent method of identification implanted right under your pet’s skin. If someone finds your pet, they can bring them to a local veterinarian or animal shelter, who will be able to electronically identify your pet and contact you so that they make it back home safely.

Cats and dogs should be wearing collars that have updated and legible identification on them as well.

Another smart, precautionary step to take is to get a current photo of your pet, just in case you need to use the photo on a lost pet flyer.


2. Stick to Your Pet’s Normal Routine

Keep their favorite toys and bedding available and nearby. Don’t stray far from your regular walking and feeding schedule so that things feel as routine as possible for your pet.


3. Take a Trip to the Vet Before Your Remodel Begins

Take your pet to the vet for a complete checkup before the kitchen or bath remodel begins. By ensuring your pet is healthy ahead of time, unusual symptoms that may occur during a renovation can be more easily identified.


4. Make them a Special Place

Sometimes the most effective way to keep your pet safe is to keep them in their crate or in a closed off room during periods of construction to keep them out of harm’s way. Choose a room and prepare a spot of their own where they can spend time while work is being done. Put their bed, food, water, and favorite toys inside and prop your windows open so they can have fresh air and feel comfortable there amongst the chaos.


5. Talk with Your Contractor Beforehand

If you are using an outside contracting business, go over any concerns you have with your contractor and explain what pet safety precautions you are taking. We here at Cabinet World love pets and want to make your remodel run as smoothly and safely as possible for everyone involved.


6. Walk-Through at the End of Each Day

At the end of each construction day, walk through your house and check to make sure that no debris, tools, nails, or sharp objects are left lying around in a place where they could cause any harm to your pet.


7. Give Your Pet a Vacation

Sometimes the best option for your pet is to consider leaving them with family, friends, or a boarding kennel for a period of time, even if just a few hours during remodel.


We know that your pets are part of your family, too, and it is important to consider their safety and health before your remodel begins. If you practice these pet safety tips while doing renovations to your home, everyone will be happier and healthier because of it!

If you are remodeling your kitchen, check out this blog post full of great ideas that Cabinet World could implement in your kitchen design to create a pet-friendly area for the furry members of your family.

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